Number Counting Matching Game

Summertime is a great time for educators to take all of those ideas from the school year and make them reality. At least, that’s been my goal during this summer. All of those notes I had about “I should make this” or “This would be a great activity” is all happening now during summer rejuvenation.

Number Counting Matching Game

Here is a free number counting matching game where children can match numbers with the appropriate number of stars. They are in color so it can assist children with the matching, but the adults should encourage the child to  count the stars to confirm the match.

4th of July Matching Game

4th of July means a couple of things for me: hot dogs, fireworks, and a bazillion American flags everywhere. With everything in red, white and blue, you can add this game to your repertoire. It’s a simple matching game with a 4th of July theme. Fun little activity for the little ones, especially if you don’t want them handling the fireworks.

4th of July Matching Game Picture

Add this to your schedule of activities for the day before the real fireworks at night. Download it, for free, at my online store.

Matching Green Shamrocks

hdr matching green shamrocks.png

March is upon us. Your classroom may be turning green. Dusting off all of those green clothes you have…like, the two pieces of clothes you have. You’re gonna get a copy of Green Eggs and Ham.

In addition, your switching out materials from the various learning areas. So, here’s a game that can support your green transition: Matching Green Shamrocks.

Matching Green Shamrocks.png

It’s a memory game matching clovers in different shades of green. There are six pairs in all. Download the matching green shamrocks file. Print it out. Cut it out. I would recommend laminating the cards. Or, paste the cards onto construction paper, then laminate. Any way, I highly recommend that you should laminate.

I’ll be printing this out for my son so he can practice is fledgling memory skills.

Download Matching Green Shamrocks.